Monday, July 17, 2017

Encounters in the Great City's Hillside Cemetery

Here are some encounter ideas had while visiting the Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris today! They can either be flavor or actual encounters, I'm not sure how I'm going to use them yet.
Use them in your home games!

On 1d6:
  1. A family of squatters shelters in their camp among the tombs. They grip their rusty daggers nervously as you approach.
  2. A gravedigger lectures his 1d4 apprentice(s) on proper technique. He offers the younger among the party a new line of work, and the older members a good deal on a gravesite.
  3. A group of young pranksters who are casting a ritual for fun but getting into much bigger trouble than they reckoned for.
  4. Very apologetic graverobbers. They offer the party a split of the earnings to go into the crypt first, as they pass.
  5. Graffiti artist debating technique with a headstone artist. They wave as the party passes, and offer a swig of hooch.
  6. Funeral procession for: (1d4 roll) 1. A philanthropic merchant, 2. a hated but necessary politician, 3. the leader of a noble family that recently fell from grace, 4. a folk hero among the squatters, his burial paid for by theft and pan-handling
I might add to this, so keep an eye out!

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